"Orchidee in centrO"
Mostra intercontinentale

REPORT and facts 2004



Exhibition map

How to reach Monte Porzio Catone


The town, that traditionally offers its hospitality, is located in a splendid panoramic position, in the territory of " Parco dei Castelli Romani", well connected with Rome, from which it is distant only about 15 Km.

The show will be held in the historical center of the town, in charming ancient rooms and cellars and/or directly on streets.

The exhibition will take place on 23th, 24th and 25th April 2004

The show inauguration will be on 23th April, at 5 pm, at the same time the show will be opened to the visitors.

For any further information please contact:
Gianni Ferretti
Via di Frascati 32/D
00040 Monte Porzio Catone
(Rome) Italy


The judgment at the table shall be held by AIO.